AI Leader in UAE

Who Is The AI Leader Of UAE?


How Does Artificial Intelligence Work? 

If you are interested in artificial intelligence, I am going to discuss all of it in this blog. You might associate artificial intelligence (AI) with self-driving cars, robots, ChatGPT, other chatbots, or artificially created images. However, it is also complicated to take a more near look at how AI works and its implications for present and future generations.

Since the 1950s,

Artificial intelligence has been recognizes formally as the capability of machines to perform tasks handled by humans previously. A wide range of technology advancements and research have resulted in this definition becoming quite broad.

Nevertheless, the most effective way to determine if a computer is intelligent is to describe its intelligence while assigning it any task — especially when you want it to do so. In 2017, Omar Sultan Al Olama, the UAE’s first minister for artificial intelligence (AI), outlined his plan for becoming a global leader in AI by 2031. A cabinet decision made in 2019 to approve the plan.

Two years after ratification, the government has taken a number of significant steps. The UAE can certainly lead its region by 2031, regardless of whether it becomes a world leader in AI.

Implementation of AI in Major 5 Sectors:

Government, resources, logistics, tourism, and cyber security are all part of UAE’s strategy to become early adopters of artificial intelligence. Secondly, the UAE will develop regional capabilities to become a net AI exporter one day.

The next step in the plan includes the UAE developing regional capabilities that will one day enable it to export artificial intelligence.

It is the government’s goal to first establish itself as a destination for artificial intelligence. A number of pilot projects have been funding by the State Ministry for Artificial Intelligence base on use cases in each of the priority sectors. Furthermore, the UAE government provides incentives to local companies to partner with international players to bid on projects, in the hopes that some of the outside experts will establish offices here.

During the Research for This Blog,

I gathered some important information about AI and how UAE is utilizing it to its advantage. This informative content was gathers by me with the help of UAE assignment help.

Energy Sector Applications of Artificial Intelligence:

For instance, the State Ministry for Artificial Intelligence is seeking artificial intelligence services to help resources and energy companies save energy. Demand Side Response (DSR) systems, which allow businesses and the power grid to communicate in order to adjust motors and pumps based on variations in power frequency, have attracted particular attention. Abu Dhabi is actively searching for AI solutions to help residents minimize consumption and save money in their homes by identifying where water and electricity are waste.

A combined total of 90 million people travel through Dubai and Abu Dhabi’s airports every year for logistics and transport. Using AI solutions to manage traffic, handle luggage, and board aircraft offers huge opportunities for increasing efficiency.

Vehicles That Drive Themselves:

While artificial intelligence is bringing benefits to the Middle East, by 2030, AI will account for 13.6% of the UAE’s GDP. UAE vehicles will be autonomous in a quarter of cases by 2030, according to the plan. A driverless taxi pilot project will be launch. As part of that strategy by 2021 by the Abu Dhabi government. There will be three self-driving taxis operating in certain parts of the city as part of the first stage of the project. A second stage will add over ten autonomous vehicles and serve more locations.

In Case the AI Can’t Handle the Situation,

A safety officer will take over the driving if necessary. By predicting tourists’ needs and customizing services based on their needs, AI systems will enhance tourism and hospitality. For other needs in the sector, Abu Dhabi’s Culture and Tourism Department has partners with Sojern, a US-base AI-powers marketing company. Over three million people in the region were reaches. Through a pilot project run by the partners.

Government plans to make data available to train artificial intelligence algorithms to predict risks associating with genetic conditions and to provide better care to people with rare diseases. By providing local patient data, companies can be encourages to focus on diseases that are prevalent in the UAE that are largely ignores by global pharmaceutical companies.

Implementing AI in Cybersecurity:

Cybersecurity threats are growing, so the ministry is seeking ways to use artificial intelligence to combat them. To overcome the challenges, the ministry encourages partnerships with global companies. A Dubai-base company that specializes in cyber security, Spectrami, partners with CYR3CON to predict threats in the Middle East using AI-driven prediction software as an example.

Capacity Building for Regional Development:

Moreover, in the year 2019, the government of UAE launches the first graduate-of  AI university in the world alongside a first-ever AI ministry. There are also three more specializations offers by the Mohamad Bin Zayed University of AI. In addition to computer vision, machine learning,  as well as natural language processing. Education and Higher Education and Scientific Research and the State Ministry for Artificial Intelligence are also collaborating in order to create some innovative AI programs in secondary-level schools.

Several schools in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain are testing AI-base education platforms as part of a government partnership with Alef Education.

Coders have begun attending boot camps organizes by the National Programme for Artificial Intelligence to encourage innovation. Co-organizes with the National Programme for Coders, the third event took place in August 2021. The event attracting more than 15,000 attendees who were encourages to create AI solutions that will address future challenges.

Developing Entrepreneurial Community:

Building a healthy entrepreneurial community is the ultimate goal. Additionally, to capturing a significant share of the growing global market, the government hopes that homegrown solution providers will develop technologies that are tailors to specific local needs.

In order to foster an ecosystem of AI startups, the UAE provides incubator funds and mentoring. Light of the fact that AI will likely displace many people from their jobs, Minister Al Olama has promise to fund retraining programs in collaboration with other government agencies.

Every opportunity will be taking to retrain local talent in AI. The government of UAE is doing its level best to achieve its goals by implementing AI in its maximum sector, but the researcher has observes one thing it would be impossible for us to give up even if we fails to reach our goal of becoming a world leader in AI by 2030.

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