COVID-19 vaccine

How To Book COVID Vaccine in Abu Dhabi

There was a time when food and clothes used to be the necessity of life. Though with this deadliest virus Corona has just turned the world upside down, and now, getting vaccinated has become one of the major necessities to live. 

The entire world is going through the worst and we cannot resist cursing COVID-10 for this. Where people are hustling to meet their needs and to manage their work-from-home perfectly, on the same side, many are struggling to get their hands on the vaccination. This is maybe because in the present time, being vaccinated has turned into the biggest challenge (or maybe you can say an achievement). 

Apparently, reports revealed that booking an appointment for the COVID-19 Vaccine in Abu Dhabi has turned into a most difficult thing (of course for some obvious reasons). On the other side, we surely cannot suggest anyone ignore this Vaccination thing because this is one of the major sources of ‘taking precautions‘ in a pandemic. 

If you are sailing in the same ship of hurdles then don’t worry. Here, we will guide you on the easiest ways of booking a COVID-19 vaccination appointment, in Abu Dhabi.

Throughout the UAE the vaccination facility is being sponsored by the Government which is eligible for all of the citizens and as well as for residents. However, the priority has been announced by the higher health authorities of the UAE, and it has been changing from time to time. But if you are willing to book an appointment with the authorities then feel free to choose any one of the following: 

  • Download the application of (MoHap) Ministry of Health and Prevention, available on the App Store and as well as on Google Play. 
  • Another option is SEHA, this app is also available on the Google Play and App Store. However, specifically to fulfill the purpose of vaccination you might have to reach out to the SEHA drive-through centers and temporary sites, available across the UAE. 
  • Check on the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) this app is accessible on both; App Store and Google Play or you can also get in the loop by calling at calling center on the toll-free number i.e., 800-342.

Nevertheless, the COVID-19 vaccination will only be administered to people on the basis of different priorities. Govt has set some boundaries for people who can get their vaccination done without booking an appointment. This counts on the following people:

  • Nationals of the UAE and their household workers as well. 
  • The policy is eligible for Senior citizens or residents (people who are 60 years old or above it). 
  • People who are suffering from chronic disease. 
  • People who have to perform duties within educational and health centers. 
  • People of determination. 

Types of COVID-19 Vaccines Available 

Sinopharm’s COVID-19 Vaccine 

Back in December 2020, an announcement was made by (MOHAP) Ministry of Health and Prevention and it was stated that an official registration has been done for the “Beijing Institute of Biological Products’ inactivated vaccine” which is also termed as Sinopharm Vaccine and has been composed combined with Sinopharm- China National Biotec Group (CNBG). Although, according to MOHAP, the vaccine Sinopharm-CNBG was evaluated with III phases of trials and it was found that the vaccine contains: 

  • 86% effectivity against COVID-19 infection. 
  • 100% efficiency for the prevention of standard and severe cases of the COVID-19
  • 99% ratio of seroconversion of antibody neutralization. 

Fast forward, the analysis also indicated that no severe safety concerns. 

Who is eligible for the vaccine? 

The only people who are eligible or have been set at first priority for this vaccine are the citizens and residents with age criteria of 18 years or more than that. Also, senior citizens, suffering from chronic diseases were equally eligible. However, the Sinopharm vaccine demands two doses in total. The first dose is taken while following the assessment of the patient’s health and the second one is required after around 21 to 28 days. 

Where to get the Sinopharm vaccine from? 

This vaccine is widely available all over the UAE. However, one can refer the list of COVID-19 vaccination centers in: 

  • Urdu (PDF, 3.236 MB). 
  • Filipino (PDF, 2.05 MB). 
  • Mandarin (1.80 MB). 

However, the vaccine is also easily accessible at the drive-through of SEHA centers, specifically on following locations: 

  • Abu Dhabi Cruise Terminal, Abu Dhabi City – from 7 am to 10 pm
  • Al-Ain Convention Center, Al Ain City – from 7 am to 10 pm
  • Dubai Parks & Resort, Dubai – from 8 am to 5 pm
  • Madinat Zayed Wedding Hall, Al Dhafra – from 8 am to 7:30 pm.

Pfizer- BioNTech’s COVID-19 Vaccine

Back in the year, on 22nd of December, 2020 the report was released in which it was stated that MoHaP introduced the facility of emergency registration for the vaccine of Pfizer BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine while on the very next day DHA (Dubai Health Authority) initiated its free drive for the vaccination against of the COVID-19 while using the same vaccine. 

For whom the vaccine is eligible? 

In the initial phase, Dubai’s campaign likely to target the following people:

  • Emiratis and the residents of Dubai have crossed the age criteria of 60 years. 
  • Youngsters who have turned 18 years and are above of it or either the ones who are suffering from a serious illness. 
  • Frontline workers. 

However, the vaccination consists of two doses that are provided individually. The estimated time period gap is of 21 days maximum. 

Accessibility of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

This vaccine is particularly available at many healthcare centers, across Dubai. At first, the vaccine was approved particularly for emergency use by the US Food and Drug Administration on the day, 11th December 2020 and later, it was then approved by the WHO (World Health Organization) on 31st December 2020. 

Sputnik V COVID-19 Vaccine 

In the month of January 2021, (MoHAP) Ministry of Health and Prevention gave its approval for the Russian vaccine i.e., COVID-19 specifically for the use of emergency cases, in the UAE. Although, the vaccine is based on the human adenoviral vector-based platform. Though, its efficiency against the COVID-19 is assured at the ratio of 91.4% meanwhile its effectiveness in a few of the cases for the diseases is 100%. 

The registration of the vaccine was done for emergency purposes and it was based particularly on Russia’s Phase III clinical trials specifically on more than 33,000 participants. Moreover, it was also observed that UAE also worked in phase III clinical trials of vaccines with more than 1,000 volunteers who received the first initial dose under the observation of MoHAP and also of the Department of Health of Abu Dhabi. Although, the initiation of the COVID-19 was done by the Gamaleya National Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology and also by the Ministry of Health of Russian. 

In a nutshell 

Booking an appointment for the COVID-19 vaccine may look like a difficult task to you but in actuality, you just need to follow the proper process or need a little guidance on where to go and whom to contact. Last but not least, avoid social interactions as much as possible and stay safe!


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