A complete guide with examples to write dissertation acknowledgments

Dissertation acknowledgments play a vital role in your work. It is your way of showing gratitude to people who aided and guided you. Think of the acknowledgments as a thank-you note. They are a means to say how thankful one is for the help and keep one got while researching. It is about recognizing others’ hard work and saying I couldn’t have done it without you.

However, when writing dissertation acknowledgments, students often have no idea what to write or who to thank. Well, is that the same case with you? Hence, you stumbled upon our guide while searching for writing tips. Then you are at the correct place. Here, we will walk you through how to write your acknowledgments and show professionalism.

Moreover, we will provide you with the examples. So, come on! Stop scrolling and read our blog! You will find it informative. Let’s go!

Dissertation acknowledgments: Tips for Writing the Compelling One

1. Understand the Purpose

Before you start writing the acknowledgments, you need to understand their purpose. In simple words, it is to thank people who contributed to your work both personally and professionally. For example: Express thanks to the person who provided personal support and motivation. Moreover, it expresses gratitude to persons and firms who contributed to professional work like research.

Furthermore, tone and style also matter a lot when writing the acknowledgments. Hence, you need to be sure about that. A heartfelt, informal tone should be used if you are giving it a personal touch. On the other hand, for professional acknowledgments, you need to use a formal and neutral tone. Once you have understood the purpose, it is time to move to the next step.

2. Identify Your Contributors

Yup! You heard it right! Now you need to reflect on your dissertation journey and see how it helped you gain success. Here are some notable contributors one must include in its work. They are:

  • Academic Advisors come first in your acknowledgments. The principal and academic advisors are the pillars of your research work. Think of them as your lightning guide who stays with you till the end. Hence you need to thank them for their wisdom and having your back.
  • Next in line for appreciation are your friends and family who offered unwavering support. Hence, show your gratitude to them and thank them for being understanding.
  • For dissertation research, you need funding. Hence, you must thank the financial advisor or agencies next. If your project got financial help from a firm or institution, show how thankful you are.
  • Additionally, you must thank your peers and colleagues who guided you through research work, provided feedback, and provided valuable insights.

3. Structure Your acknowledgments

When writing the acknowledgments, you need to follow a proper structure. It will help you organize your work in a relevant, clear, and concise manner. When it comes to formatting, students struggle. But not anymore, as we will offer you some invaluable tips that can enhance the quality of work. Also if you want you can seek dissertation writing servicesfrom professionals. They will help you in writing. The formatting tips include:

1. Begin With A Formal Note

Yup! You heard it write! Always start your acknowledgments with a heartfelt yet formal note. Additionally, address your audience with the sentences like: “I would like to show my gratitude to” or “I am deeply thankful for the support offered”.

2. List Individuals and Institutions

Next, you need to list down the people and organizations you are thankful for. From academic advisors to funding agencies, peers, and loved ones, it can be anyone. Moreover, you need to talk about their contributions and how they helped you write your dissertation.

3. Be Specific and Personal

Here’s another way to structure your acknowledgments: When talking about individuals, use personal anecdotes. Furthermore, don’t forget to highlight the importance of each contribution. You can even add a personal touch for excellent impact.

4. Maintain Professionalism

Professionalism is mainstream when it comes to writing dissertation acknowledgments. Use formal and straightforward language. It is vital to keep a nice and polite tone. Be respectful and thankful in your words. Say what one means and be sincere when you thank them.

5. Consider Length and Scope

While writing, do consider the length. Be specific and don’t exaggerate. Always stick to the point. Make sure you don’t overwhelm the readers with a lengthy acknowledgment.

These are some of the tips for writing your dissertation acknowledgments. Now, let’s move to the next part. Here we will provide you with some examples that can help you in writing. Let’s have a look at them.

Example of Dissertation Acknowledgments

I am profoundly thankful to my Dissertation Advisor, DR Sara, for her unwavering support and invaluable guidance. Moreover, I am grateful to her for providing mentorship till the end of the dissertation writing. Her feedback, constant encouragement, and patience in helping me played a vital role in shaping my journey toward academic success. Without her, I wouldn’t be able to complete this project. Next, I thank my dissertation committee members for their constant feedback and updates. Also, I will forever be indebted to my loved ones for their unconditional support and encouragement.

Additionally, I would like to say thank you to my friends and peers for their kindness and motivation. I am also thankful to The Emirates Foundation for their financial assistance. Lastly, I appreciate the aid provided by my institution for research work. This dissertation would not have been possible without these individuals.


So that’s it! Here is a complete guide on writing the dissertation acknowledgments. While writing make sure to understand the purpose, identify your key contributors, and structure your work. Also, don’t forget to maintain clarity and professionalism. In case of confusion, you can seek help from the example mentioned here.

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