
Dissertation Structure | How to Structure a Dissertation

A Dissertation is a lengthy practice or research it is every so often called a thesis. Most students need to write a thesis in the final year of their degree program as a means to prove their knowledge and add new research to the field. On the contrary, dissertations are among the hardest and longest academic papers. It comprises of student’s time, energy, and as well focus. Whereas they follow the basics of research, the thesis has areas other research papers do not.  As a result, in this guide, we will tell you how you can structure a dissertation or thesis.

How to Structure a Dissertation- Step by Step?


1. Title Page


In the first step when you are writing a thesis, you will need to begin writing a title page. And that will comprise the name of an author, research paper, and as well degree program. The paper has to be submitted to the supervisor. To put it another way title page is comprising every of the names and as well titles relevant to your study. For the structure of a title page, it could depend on the school and also style. But, in most cases, you will need to add the name of the university and program as well as the date. For dates, you will need to examine with your mentor for certain dates.

2. Acknowledgment


This is an optional section of a thesis, where you will need to express gratitude who helped to write your thesis. Also, you might want to thank your academic superior, friends, family, God, and also other people. These people aided you in your input and also allowed you to finish your work.

3. Abstract


It is a short overview of a dissertation and is usually written in the first paragraph and arrives at the opening of a thesis. So, you will have to discuss every one of the main points in the abstract and as well discuss the method chapter. Normally abstract is written in no more than 300 to 500 words.

4. Table of contents


In the table of contents section, students need to list every title for chapters, subheadings, and as well parallel page numbers. Also, you will need to add the extra sections while writing table contents such as an appendix, and as well optional sections such as a glossary. And as well list of abbreviations or a list of numbers and tables.

5. Introduction


Introduction is a core chapter of writing a thesis or a dissertation.  It is the first chapter of your paper, and you will have to offer a crucial background setting to grasp it. After that, you have to set up your research topic. If you need any help or support, then kindly consult reputable dissertation writing help UAE. And they will help you to write a stunning intro for your thesis.

They have a top team of PHD writers and with their help, you will surely create the best intro. In most of the cases intro comprises 10% of a whole thesis, which means if your thesis contains 30,000 words then you will need to write an intro of at least 3000 words.

6. Literature review


For the duration of your research, you will need to gather all of the primary and secondary sources pertinent to your subject. This is a very vital aspect of a dissertation and it comprises 30% of your work. And as well you must also take plenty of time to perform complete research on your focus topic. And as well it will also support you in classifying a research problem and expressing your questions about your research. For any support or query, consult your supervisor.

7. Method


In the section of your method, you will need to tell your readers what you have done. This implies, defining your research method and as well clarifying your choice. Normally, while writing a method for your dissertation, you will need to define how you gathered data and examined it. Further, in what you managed it and what are the reasons you choose this certain kind of methods.

8. Conclusion


In this conclusion section, you will have to write your overview or summary of your dissertation.  Also, you ought to remind your readers of the background study, and your aims in what way you meet them. But then one thing you must recall do not introduce any new ideas or anything new while writing a conclusion. As it will confuse your readers.

9. References


In the last section, you will cite all of the sources in which you obtained data for your dissertation. Make sure you are reliable, and as well follow the certain referencing system.

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